Contact Us
Phone Numbers
Fax: 609.895.1668
Emergencies: Dial 911
2207 Lawrenceville Road
Lawrence Township,

8:30 - 4:30

Business Support

Lawrence Township's Community Development Department is dedicated to providing comprehensive support to local businesses by facilitating a streamlined onboarding process through various resources and personalized assistance. The department designs a Business Manual and offers designated Community Relations Liaison who provides one-on-one guidance to new businesses in addition to coordinating Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies to celebrate their establishment within the community. Additionally, through the ongoing Shop Lawrence campaign, the department oversees a community platform that enables businesses to connect with the broader community, thus fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between the business community and the township. By prioritizing the success of local businesses, Lawrence Township is committed to creating an environment that is conducive to business growth and development. 

Municipal Resources

Business Manual

The Lawrence Township Business Manual distills municipal processes and procedures into a simple and digestible format for new businesses and pre-existing businesses alike. 

Register Your Business

If you are opening up a new business or expanding a pre-existing business into a new location, please fill out this business registrar. We maintain a business database to stay better connected with businesses. 

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

If your business performs a grand opening and would like the presence of Township leadership to cut the ribbon, please fill out this request form. 

Business Directory & Shop Lawrence

Shop Lawrence is dynamic campaign that aims to support local businesses through resources and events.