A variety of emergency response services are provided by Lawrence Township’s three volunteer fire companies – Lawrence Road, Lawrenceville, and Slackwood – sharing a rich history of service dating back to 1907. Volunteers come from all walks of life and draw from a wealth of experiences. They are your friends and neighbors, who willingly donate their time to help safeguard our community. |
| October is Fire Prevention Month. The three fire companies that protect Lawrence Township are always looking for new members to help with administrative duties, answer emergency calls, or both. If you are interested in learning where your time and talents can support the effort, application forms can be obtained by contacting each of the individual fire companies, as listed below. No experience is required. A medical physical and all initial training, as well as continuing education, are provided by the fire companies where needed. |
Volunteers are given the opportunity to attend a 180-hour “Firefighter I” course covering topics such as fire behavior, hose operations, search and rescue, ventilation, ladders, ropes and knots, extrication, forcible entry, power and hand tool techniques, fire prevention, incident command and communications, fire extinguishers, hazardous materials, and emergency medical techniques. The individual fire companies hold monthly business meetings and offer lectures and additional hands-on training two to three times each month. |
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| Members of the volunteer fire companies are always happy to welcome new members to their ranks and are ready to answer whatever questions you may have. Prospective members are invited to visit any of the fire stations to learn more. For more details about each of the fire companies use the links below: |
Fire Prevention Month Events: